
carleigh's memorial garden

This is the garden we planted in memory of our precious angel, Carleigh Lauryn Grace. It was begun during summer 2000. The photos were taken throughout the year 2003, unless otherwise specified.

These are her three azaleas. We received them at her funeral in April, 2000. Last year, only the middle one bloomed. This year the first one was first to bloom. The middle and last ones are finally starting to catch up! The angel in the first picture is the one Mom & Dad gave us for her angel-versary this year. The angel in the bottom picture is the one from my co-workers given on her first angel-versary.

Here's another view of the angel sitting beside her marker. My dad made the marker to put at the cemetary until her memorial stone was made. There's also a pinwheel on the other side. *Ü* Above her marker are two lilies that aren't blooming yet.

This picture best shows her pink creeping phlox in the front and her six pink tulips in the back.

This is another angel statue given by my Mom and Dad. The little "Welcome to My Garden" stone next to it was given by my co-workers. Ignore the weeds... they will be replaced with pink Vinca when the weather is warmer!

This is her purple rhododendron that's starting to bloom. The picture is kind of blurry. *sorry*

This picture is a *yucky* picture of Carleigh's Lamb's Ear - what it looks like after winter. The new growth is to the far right - sitting up on the stone.

Summer Pics!

Carleigh's Lilies and Hosta. The Phlox is in front - bloomed in Spring.

Cool Wave Petunias and I don't remember what the plant in front is. LOL

Autumn Pics!

Remember the "yucky stuff" in the 3rd row of pictures? Carleigh's Lamb's Ear is still growing like crazy! You can also see her humongous mum, as well as pink petunias in front.

A close up of Carleigh's mum that's growing around her angel statue. In the Spring/Summer, you can't even tell a mum is back there because it always looks dead!

A different view of part of Carleigh's Garden. The lilies and hosta in front are pretty much out of season now.

Carleigh's Azaleas are ALWAYS pretty - Though I prefer the beautiful blooms up in the "Spring" shots.

Finally, Carleigh's Garden in winter, taken December, 2006. Carleigh's azaleas are covered with pink lights. There is a white angel to the right, that sits in the square where summer flowers once were. To the far left (not her garden), the shrubs are covered with green, yellow, blue, and red lights. The icicle lights on the house are red and white, giving a candy cane appearance. On the front door is a wreath, lit in green.

Carleigh's tree in autumn, taken October, 2006.

Carleigh's tree in April, 2007. It was tiny when we received it for her funeral in April, 2000, but just look at it now!